When does a personal stylist, come in handy?

In many occasions.  Let's take one in particular - shopping.  Shopping is frustrating, intimidating and confusing experience for some, due to any or all of the following reasons:

1. We have lost trust in sales associates.

We, as shoppers, automatically think that sales associates are just trying to make their commission.  Being on the other side, I can verify that is not always the case.  However, we, as shoppers, will never know who is and who isn’t being honest with us.

2.  Shopping with friends.

Due to the 1st reason, we, as shoppers, might prefer shopping with friends.  We depend on them to tell us the "truth." Well, the "truth," is not always actually the "truth.”  The item looks good or bad on us depending on the friends’ personal opinion of the item.  It's hard for us, as humans, to judge an item on someone else, if we don’t like the item itself.

3. We hate everything and nothing looks good.

We, as shoppers, can't always see what is the best thing for us.  Think about this: How many times did the sales person bring you an item to try on that you a. didn't "see" it or b. you would have never picked it out for yourself?  The secret - just another pair of eyes not critical of your body.  We have an image of what we look like and what we desire. Therefore, we see and pick out things that not always work on us.  So the conclusion is “nothing fits right and everything looks off.”  When in reality, if only we saw what others see of us, we would be able to pick out the right item and dress ourselves much better.  But let’s be honest: How many people can actually see themselves as they truly are? Personally, it took me years to get to where I am now.  The only reason I got here was due to my work environment.  Work taught me how to dress every shape and size.

4. We hate the stores themselves.

Some stores are too crowded: giving us no room to move around, and no assistance found when needed.  Some are empty: attracting all the attention on us.  The lighting is never right, it’s too dark or too bright: doesn't help while trying on clothing.  The fitting rooms have too many mirrors or have none: making us having to come out of the room.  It’s hard to find a store that’s just perfect for you.

This is where I come in.  I transform an intimidating process into an enlightening and empowering experience.  As a personal stylist, I am not a sales associate or a friend.  Hence my advice should and will be as honest as it can be.  My job is to teach and find what compliments the canvas of your body and leave my own style at home.  I also can bring the items to you, to try it at the comfort of your own home at your leisure.  This is no longer a privilege for celebrities only; you can experience the ease of shopping from home with me.
