Why are men buying larger sized clothing? Fit verses size

…….hope to educate the people who don't know this already. 

As I was working with a client ( a tall, large in shirts man), I realized a very common issue for men in general, that I believe needs serious attention. Often times men buy larger sized clothing to make that item baggier or longer, using sizing to create a particular fit, not realizing what they are doing. More and more I am realizing that a lot of men don't know their true size and or how to size.

Don't mistaken size for fit. What is the difference?  

Size is your body size (S/M/L/XL FYI each brand sizes differently). Fit is the particular way in which an item fits around your body ( slim fit, regular fit, loose fit).  

My client wanted a long sleeve, baggie shirt but he would buy XL or XXL fitted (a fit) button downs shirts.  So now he knows to look for a long sleeve shirt that fits him on his shoulders, loose fit or normal fit depending how "baggie" he wants it to be.

I say if the shirt is the right size ( Picture A) and the sleeves don't reach your wrists, that means the shirt is not the right fit for you. If you get a larger size shirt and than the sleeves reach your wrist than the size is not right for you (Picture B). If you want the shirt to fit properly than the size is most important (on the other hand, if you are going for a particular style/look than don't worry about this rule). Decide the look and the fit you want first than find the right size. Remember if a Medium person gets a slim fitted shirt but in an X Large than the shirt is no longer a slim fit anymore. 



The shoulder seam of the shirt (T-shirt, button down, or track jacket) should ALWAYS be right ware your shoulder and arm meet.



The result of getting a larger size shirt is extra material that tends to bunch up and the fit is no longer the fit.

Same rule goes for pants. Know the fit you want first than get your waist line/ length size. Belts in 2013 should be used more for accessorizing than holding our pants up. The result of bigger pant includes, needing a belt which creates unflattering folds and ruining the bottom of the pant. 


Get the proper fit rather than a bigger/wrong size. We, being in 2013, are so lucky to have so many different fits and styles. So DON'T SETTLE. Find what works best for your body shape.

